Have you ever paid attention to a certain animal? Or if you have a pet at home, you can pay attention to it and find something special that you can learn from it.
1. Dog is a very loyal animal to his master.
I have a dog and he liked to go away from home for many days and then come back again. My father was worry that someday the dog went away and never come back anymore because he loves that dog. So, he tried to stop the dog by hurting him. Yes, it worked ( I hope anyone who read this note will not imitate what my father did). Since then, he never go away anymore. But, things that supprised me that is, my dog never hates or afraid to my father. Everytime my father goes home, he always wave his long tail as a symbol of friendship. Then, when my father is sitting, he begins to smell my father’s hand and feet; it’s like saying “are you okay?” or “are you tired?”.
The things that I don’t like from my dog is he has many children from many female dog; in a year he has children from my neighbour’s dog who live in my left house and then the next year he has children from my neighbour’s dog who live in my right house. I can’t imagine if he were a man, he must have much money to fund his two wives.
2. White dove is a loyal animal to his partner.
I ever heard that if one male or a female from a couple of white dove died, the other one will live alone forever without couple because he only have one partner in his life. I know now, why most of the wedding invitations that people had given to my family have pictures of a couple white dove behind it. It’s because of white dove is a symbol of sincere love, so they expect their marriage like white dove (once in a lifetime).
3. Ant is a very deligent or hard worker animal.
I often watch ants and I seldom find them sleeping. They always move here and there to get some food. I think I have to remember ants whenever I am sleepy or lazy to do something.
4. Eagle is a strong bird.
When the strong wind blows, an eagle will not fly low or change his direction, but he keeps on flying; he flies higher. We can learn from an eagle in our life. When we have problems, we tend to be down or change direction(escape from the problem). If we do like the eagle do; when we have problems, we through the problems then we will move up one stage in life (we will be mature one stage in life). I think I have to learn to be an eagle.
That’s all my writing. I hope it will be usefull for anyone who read this note.