One of the outstanding beauty contest in this world is Miss Universe. It needs three criterias that is 3B : Beauty, Brain and Behavior. More than 50 women from more than 50 countries join this contest, including a woman from Indonesia.
In Indonesia, this contest always become controversial among the people who pro and contra. Most of Muslim in Indonesia doesn’t allow Indonesia send one of the Indonesian woman to compete in this contest. They do demonstration, they don’t agree with the swimsuit contest. They say it is against of their religion and against of our culture. They say there are still many ways to promote Indonesia to the whole world instead of joining this contest.

I am interested to these three criteria. Women, we don’t have to be a Miss Universe to have these criteria! Whoever we are, we can have these criteria(beauty,brain,behavior) in ourselves.Because of this is a beauty contest,so it’s ok if the first criteria is beauty. But honestly, in our life the 3B formation should be changed become behavior, brain and beauty.
The most important thing that a woman should have is a good behavior/manner. Beauty without a good behavior/manner is nothing. Yes, it’s normal if the first thing that we see from a woman is her beauty physicaly. But then , we will be disappointed if she doesn’t have a good behavior/manner when we get closer or have a friendship with her.
The second is Brain. It’s better if a woman is a genious. But, it’s not a must. It’s enough if a woman has wide knowledges and want to learn something to make her brighter.
The last is Beauty. If we have a good behavior + brain = the beauty will appear itself in ourselves.
(Picture added from

Miss Universe 2009
Last year, i watch this contest on TV. There was a judges who asked one of the top 5 women ; she asked “what is your comment if there’s a country in this world which doesn’t allow their contestant to wear swimsuit in this contest?” then the woman answer “ I disagree with that prohibition because you are beautiful and show your beauty to the whole world.” That’s only a little information. But, i am not interested to talk about swimsuit.I am interested to these three criteria. Women, we don’t have to be a Miss Universe to have these criteria! Whoever we are, we can have these criteria(beauty,brain,behavior) in ourselves.Because of this is a beauty contest,so it’s ok if the first criteria is beauty. But honestly, in our life the 3B formation should be changed become behavior, brain and beauty.
The most important thing that a woman should have is a good behavior/manner. Beauty without a good behavior/manner is nothing. Yes, it’s normal if the first thing that we see from a woman is her beauty physicaly. But then , we will be disappointed if she doesn’t have a good behavior/manner when we get closer or have a friendship with her.
The second is Brain. It’s better if a woman is a genious. But, it’s not a must. It’s enough if a woman has wide knowledges and want to learn something to make her brighter.
The last is Beauty. If we have a good behavior + brain = the beauty will appear itself in ourselves.
(Picture added from